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Been Paid

Below is a list of account names that have been paid by our site, when and how much. (All times are GMT) A total of 819 recorded payments have been made for a total of $15,080.24!

Date Username Amount Payment Description
5/16/2024 familybryan 3.00 Payout
5/16/2024 mscandi2869 3.66 Payout
5/9/2024 defiant 6.00 payment for auction item
5/9/2024 defiant 20.00 payment for auction item
5/9/2024 dannybear 102.50 payment for auction item
5/9/2024 srvandenbush2002 5.00 Payout
5/8/2024 webmoney 95.00 payment for auction item
5/8/2024 webmoney 53.50 payment for auction item
5/3/2024 jtqubix 3.00 Payout
5/3/2024 coba49 3.30 Payout
4/19/2024 infinitecreator 3.00 Payout
4/18/2024 rc58 5.00 Payout
4/16/2024 dante33esteves 3.12 Payout
4/10/2024 webmoney 6.00 payment for auction item
4/10/2024 webmoney 20.00 payment for auction item
4/10/2024 fairy 3.04 Payout
4/9/2024 webmoney 53.50 payment for auction item
4/9/2024 webmoney 95.00 payment for auction item
4/3/2024 jtqubix 3.00 Payout
4/1/2024 dimamastac 102.50 payment for auction item